Friday, October 19, 2007

4 weeks down, 9 to go

9 weeks to go. And I'm sure missing Joe. He's going to Brussels again tomorrow. Lucky guy! I'm glad he's not just hanging out in his apartment by himself.

J and F are had a good time this week. It amazes me everyday how well they play together. They are such good girls and enjoy each other. I hope that this doesn't change.

We went to Red Robin's tonight. The girls really missed Joe while we were there. J said, "We used to come here everyday with daddy." hehe! NOT! We don't eat out that much, silly! :) We wish we could have had him with us, but it was nice to not have to cook and clean.


Angela said...

Katie's right! Focus on other things and time will go by MUCH faster. Another worthy goal would be to take the girls out (or just by yourself for 20 minutes), but exercise. You could loose almost 20 lbs in 9 weeks!! Have the girls help you with that goal though by going for bike rides whild you run. It would be so fun!! How is school going for you??

Michelle Johnson said...

School is going okay. I had a parent get very angry this week. It wasn't anything we could prevent. It was over staffing, and the beginning of the year isn't a very stable time for that, as you know. Other than that, it is going pretty good.