Saturday, May 10, 2008

Weekend grattitudes

1. A week ago one of my students had open heart surgery. She has bounced back so quickly that her mom's head is spinning! She's doing so awesome! She wants to come back to school, and run around and play. Her mom is having a hard time keeping her quiet. She had so many people praying and fasting for her, and it shows. :)

2. I'm thankful for all of the support I've gotten this week. The parents of my students have beeen great, as well as my family and friends. The job hunt has just begun. I forgot all of the things that need to be gathered in order to apply for a job. Goodness!

3. I'm grateful for my beautiful healthy girls. They are awesome! They crack me up and help lighten my life.

4. I'm grateful that I can go to school and learn a new area for education. I'm excited about teaching kids to read. :)


Jennifer said...

Michelle, I will be praying that you find just the right job.

Katie said...

I love you so much your hard work and positive attitude is such an inspiration. I am so proud of you and all you are doing. With this masters you are going to be the best special education teacher there is with your knowledge, wisdom, sensitivity and hard work ethic. I can't wait to see what amazing things God has for you.