Sunday, September 6, 2009

SAHM again?

I think I might be a stay at home mom again. Even if I do get to sub, I will probably not be working as steady as if I was a teacher. So this might be an answer to prayer. I was soooooooooooo busy the last two year with work and school. I only have a semester of school left, and it won't be as busy of a semester as it has been in the past. Then in the spring semester, I won't have school. So I think I'll work on my praxis for the state for my Teacher's certification. I'll also be able to get this house unpacked and organized. Some of that means getting rid of stuff, and some means sending stuff back to Boise. At least I'm getting some decluttering done.

So that is my life in a nutshell. The girls start school on Tuesday. Jamie seems to be calmer about it than Faith. Faith says she's a little scared. :( I know she'll be fine. I hope she doesn't cry like last year. I'll keep you all updated on how they do. :)


Jennifer Burgett said...

I am a follower of your sister's blog and I wanted to leave you a comment about your move.

Back in 2004, along with my husband, I moved 3 hours (200 miles) from my family and friends. I think I cried the entire drive. At first I HATED IT but now almost 5 years later I have come to realize that it was the best thing we as a couple could have done. I hope that in time you will come to find the same thing to be true! Best of luck in your new town!!

Mandy said...

I'm also here from your sisters site!

Sounds like this move is a good opportunity for you. Time at home with your family is always a good thing, and getting your life (and house) in order after a move is a full time job itself!
Enjoy your time with your girls and find your way around your new town. A job will come in time!