Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday gratitudes

I haven't done this for a while, shame on me!

1. I'm grateful that I have two very healthy girls. They are doing so well since we moved. They are doing well in school. Faith is getting the help she needs with reading and writing. She has great teachers. :)

2. I'm grateful that we found a Realtor to help us sell our house and do what we need to do for a short sale. I'll miss that beautiful house.

3. I'm grateful for new friends at my new church. It was nice to sit with them this morning and not have to sit by myself.

4. I'm grateful that we found a church that we fit into to, and that teaches God's Word to us. My church also has a great worship team that leads us with great songs.

5. I'm grateful that we found a nice, little, house in a nice neighborhood. It will be a nice, little, home for us to live in until we can buy a bigger house.

I hope you all have a great week.


Katie said...

So you are buying a house? Or do you mean your town house? I wish I were there to help. I could help stage your house to sell. I recieved lots of helpful tips from our stager when we tried to sell ours. It was nice.

Michelle Johnson said...

We're not buying a house, not until we can save up enough for a good down payment.

We won't be staging out house in Meridian because it will be empty. That way people can picture their own furniture and things in the house.

Scarehaircare said...

Good gratitude list. I agree, songs really make the service. :)