Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday Grattitudes

I have a friend that has a blog that does Sunday Grattitudes, so I thought I would copy her idea and start that on my blog. What's better than being grateful for what you have? :-)

So here goes, here is a top 10 list!

1. My wonderful family! My husband is so awesome, my girls are healthy and happy and I'm so proud of them.

2. My extended family: my mom, dad, brothers and sisters. Yes, that includes my inlaws, I consider them to be my brother and sisters. :)

3. My chruch family: I don't know what I would do without them. I love having "family" up here since we don't have family up here.

4. My love for my Faither. I'm so blessed to be able to worship my Father in freedom without haivng to hide it.

5. My school, as in my work school. I have a great principal, and great ERR staff. They make a hard job easier, and a great place to work.

6. My school, as in NNU. I'm so blessed to be able to go to school and further my academic degree. I love to learn and am having fun. (even though I am struggling through a final right now.)

7. Yes, and you my cute doggy who is begging for her dinner. I love you too, Maggie. (insert whining and begging for food)

8. My beautiful house. We have a beautiful house and great neighbors.

9. My friends. I have awesome friends who are supportive and make life so much sweeter.

10. My health. I may not be the picture of a healthy women, but I can work, I can play and I can love. You can't ask for more than that! :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The death of a young actor

What a great loss. Heath Ledger died today at 28. He was so young. He'd done some great work in his short life. He could have done even greater work. What could have been going through his mind? Was it intentional? If it was, why? He will be missed, especially by his little daughter.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Joe's Interviews went well

He doesn't know anything yet, but he thinks they went well. Many people have asked me what they should pray for: staying her in Idaho, or moving to PHX. That is a loaded question. I tell them to pray God's Will. After all, that is what is going to happen in the end, the more we fight it, the harder life is. The less we fight is, the straighter and smoother our path is. That is what our Pastor preached last Sunday, and it didn't fall on deaf ears. Now more than ever I am trying to pray God's Will. We have a good life set up here in Idaho. But living by family is a dream I thought would never happen. I'm not fond of PHX exactly. Sure it is nice in the winter. But sure is hot in the summer! But living by family would just be so totally awesome. I just wish I could take my school with me. :) I do get to take my college school with me, which is good. :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cool Picture!

This picture is of a rare occurance of when a little piece of ice gets caught up in a snow storm and rolls with the wind. It is the same effect as making a snow man, only it is shaped like a wheel instead of a ball. Pretty neat! A crisp layer of snow has to be on the ground first. A farmer had about 20 of these in his field. Facinating!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Joe has a 2nd interview!

Joe has a second interview next week in Phoenix. We're excited, but will be okay either way. We have built a great life up here, but it would be nice to be back with family again. Especially for the girls. They need some more time with their grandparents. :) I'm just praying for God's Will and that it all goes smoothly whatever His plan is for us.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Joe isn't going to Holland afterall! They found someone else to cover it. I think they liked the job he was doing when he was there and wanted him to come back and do it. They found someone else from over there to do that job. :) :) :) :) :) I'm so happy! :) :) :) :)

******HAPPY DANCE*******

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year my friend's and family!

I hope you all have a great day and had a great 2007. Here's to a great 2008. We may have some big changes this year. Joe is off to Holland once again. When he gets back, he may be transfering to Tempe. Hopefully we'll find out about that this week. He agreed that we could live by my parents' in Arrowhead. Thankgoodness! Because if he's going to be traveling like this, it would be a whole lot easier to deal with if we could be by family.

I'll be busy working on my Master's degree. I don't graduate with that until 2009. So I'll continue to be pretty busy.

So here's so a great year! Whatever it brings. :) God will provide and the path will be easier if we stay on His path! My pastor's message on Sunday was about that. :)