Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday Grattitudes

1. I'm grateful for my girls. We went on a picnic at our neighborhood park today. We walked so we could take Maggie. It was a little too hot for Maggie I fear though. She took a while to cool down. Poor thing, she was a hot dog! hehe!

2. I'm grateful that we could get water park passes this year. We go as much as 4 times a week. The girls love it. And I love that I don't have to feel like we have to stay most of the day like we did when we paid for a day at the park.

3. I'm grateful that we have air conditioning! The house is so nice and cool. It is warming up outside right now and I'm so thankful that we can be comfortable.

4. I'm grateful for my church and my church family. It is so nice to go to church on Sunday and see my friends, "where everybody knows my name." It is nice to know that people are happy to see you, and miss you when you're gone. :)


momof4 said...

Such simple but wonderful things to be greatful for. Don't you just love summer!

Angela said...

we got waterpark passes this year as well, and I am SOOOOOO glad! Our waterpark is about 20 minutes away, but still worth the drive. :) Happy Summer!!