Sunday, August 9, 2009


I have too much information for my Master's Thesis and am totally confused on what to do with it. I gave up and e-mailed my statistics professor and asked him. I just am at a loss on what to do.

Joe is working on his Mustang trying to get it to work. He had to put his old heads back on because the new one is warped. :( As long as he gets it running, I don't care. I don't think it will come to Portland, unless he parks it on the street. We only have a 2 car garage.

The girls are playing nicely together, whew! I don't know how I would have gotten through this master's program if they didn't play well together. It would have been a nightmare.

Do you snore? I snore and am wondering if I need to see someone about it when we get to Portland. I know I need to lose some weight, but I snored when I was in a size 2! So that can't be all of it. Sometimes Joe doesn't know how I don't wake myself up.

Well, that got random. :) I avoiding going back to my paper. I'm stuck and will probably have to wait until I can get help from my prof.


Katie said...

Oh how I miss you let me count the ways. I'm glad to hear things are progressing forward. I can't wait to hear about all the adventures waiting in Portland for you.

Scarehaircare said...

Talk to your Dr about sleep apnea. It can be an indicator of bigger things and snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea.