Wednesday, November 5, 2008

3 more months!

Joe has to be in Holland another 3 months! NO WAY! He was supposed to come home at the end of March. So now he might not be home until July. We might be able to go see him in the summer, so that would be fun. I wish we could all just be together again. I don't know how Armed Forces wives do this all of the time. At least Joe is not in harms way.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! That's a shame. What happened?

Katie said...

Though I know you are fortunate to not have the added worries of a husband at war, I know this separation is more than what a family should have to deal with. I think of the Bible explaining that in marriage we are made one in our unions of marriage. So with Joe so far away it makes sense to feel somewhat like half a person. The most amazing thing about my separation from Dan was that we both drew closer to God in the process. That has been the desire of my heart for you so that this not be just a time of trial but a season of God's Holy Spirit being poured out.