Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dang Cute Foreign Car!

My water pump went out and it is going to cost 1000! It is a pain in the butt to fix anything on my foreign car because it is such a pain to get to anything. I'm thinking of skipping my spa day over Christmas. I'll have to ask Joe about it, but sheesh!

Today was a draining day. I got up early to go to school and work on some paper work, and I had a meeting today too. So I'm drained physically, mentally and now my bank account is drained! YIKES!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's too bad about your car. Cars are just machines. "Everything put together falls apart sooner or later." When I have a bad day I take a moment to count my blessings. That always seems to help me. Or when I have to do chores I dislike, like cleaning the bathtub, I thank God I have a bathtub and clean running water. There are so many people on this planet without that simple basic need. When I get too stressed at work, I try to be grateful that I have a job. I hope things start going more smoothly for you. In the meantime take a deep breath, try to relax and replenish. I love you, I miss you and the girls. XOXOXOXOX