Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Movie questions

Favorite movies you have to be "in the mood" for in order to enjoy:

1. Star War Movies
2. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

Favorite movies that make you laugh out loud no matter how many times you have watched them:

1. Monsters Inc.
2. How to lose a guy in 10 days
Your favorite "Guilty Pleasures"

1. Time to Kill
2. Somewhere in Time

Favorite movies you have seen so many times, you can recite all the lines

1. Bourne Identity movies
2. Sense and Sensibility (Emma Thompson)

Movies that "Opened your eyes."

1. Mr. Holland's Opus
2. A Brilliant Mind

Most Overrated

1. Napoleon Dynamite
2. Castaway

What were the last 2 movies you watched

1. Sense and Sensibility (Kiera Knightly sp? with my mom in Phoenix)
2. Little Women

Your spouse's/significant other's favorites

1. Dune
2. Lord of the Rings movies

Your all time favorites:

1. Somewhere in Time
2. Bourne movies

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