Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Maybe Phoenix?

Joe thinks that Phoenix might be a possibility for us to move to. That would be awesome! I would love to live by my family again. It would be a dream come true. :) Joe might be promoted to go down there. And I'd get paid more too. The cost of living has gone way down too. So houses are more affordable.

I hope to find more out this week.


Rottilover said...

YEAH!!!!!! I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but that would be great! Our girls would be able to play more together, and me and you would get to spend more time together as well. Not to mention the fact that you would be able to be closer to mom and dad! :) Keep us all updated as soon as you know. That would be awesome!

Katie said...

I think that would be so awesome that you could live closer to Mom and Dad. I'm all for that. I will be praying this is where God has for you to be. That would be very cool. I love you bunches and bunches.

Angela said...

If you have to move, then I hope that it would be to Pheonix!! God works in mysterious ways I tell you. Have a great weekend!