Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Joe, Jamie, Faith, and Gavin!

We had a mass birthday party this evening at my mom's house! Joe, Jamie, and Faith just had their birthdays. And Gavin, my super cute nephew, is about to have his birthday. So we had one big party! It was fun. It is so nice to see all of my family. We filled up the table, and that is with two of my siblings and their spouses missing. When we're all together, we have to put kids in the kitchen at the kitchen table.

I'm so glad I'm going to be here for all of the birthdays from now until May. :) And all of the Sunday dinners, and all of the holidays. :)

1 comment:

Katie said...

I am so sad I missed the Birthday. I'm sure you all had lots of fun. They kids are just getting so big. I can't wait to come out and see them. They are all just so precious. It would have been really nice to see Joe before he left as well. :( I miss you guys.