Sunday, July 20, 2008

You are never going to guess what I did!

A couple of bird dogs got into our pond next to our swimming pool. There are some baby ducks, who are almost full grown, and the dogs would not get out! A couple of clueless teenage boys were trying to get them out. One of the boys even got in the water. But he wasn't even trying very hard to get the dog out. So after half an hour I went over there, jumped in the pond and got one of the dogs out. Some people who live on the pond have a black lab that they train for hunting. They had a dead duck in their freezer. So the boy got that and threw it in the water. Then the other dog finally came out! Bird dogs are trained to only get out of the water with a dead bird. Apparently they swim and swim and swim until they get a bird. The ducks were teasing the dogs and just staying a bit ahead of the dogs. They were just swimming around and around.

It was a good swim. The water was cold in the middle. :)


Angela said...

That is so funny :) Enjoy your time and I love the toes!

Katie said...

That sounds like a crazy story. Good thing for the frozen duck. The toes are absolutely adorable!